5 Reasons to Include Olympic Weightlifting in Your Training

Jun 6, 2023

 by Kelly McKinnon

So you’re considering adding Olympic weightlifting to your programming, whether it’s because you want to learn something new, you think it looks cool, or because it’s part of your sport/training regimen, but you’re not exactly sure why, then read on to find out why Olympic lifting is a great addition to any training program.

#1. Improve Power, Strength, Speed & Force Development (Sports Performance)

Olympic lifting is the most powerful sport there is. In fact, it’s almost comical that it’s not called “Powerlifting” because of the amount of power that’s required to lift a load overhead. Weightlifting also develops the individual’s awareness of how to produce force by driving up against the ground, making it a key ingredient for helping individuals run faster, jump higher, and lift heavier. It’s a great addition for increasing sports performance, but can also be a great addition for any individual looking to get stronger, faster, and more powerful.

#2. Improve Body Composition

Olympic weightlifting is a full body movement, involving the quads, hamstrings, glutes, back, core, and arm muscles. When watching Olympic weightlifting, you just see the two main movements (the snatch & clean and jerk), but what you don’t see is everything that goes on behind the scenes to improve those movements. Back squats, front squats, overhead pressing, and auxiliary exercises are also staples in weightlifters’ training regimens. 

#3. Improve Flexibility & Increased Range of Motion (ROM)

Weightlifting requires a large amount of flexibility for the individual to get into the proper positions necessary to receive a snatch and clean & jerk. Increased flexibility occurs at the ankles, hips, spine, wrists, shoulders, and thoracic cavity because weightlifting constantly challenges and utilizes these positions. It’s also not uncommon for athletes to work on mobility of these areas outside of their lifting sessions to further enhance and improve their lifts.

#4. Improve Overall Work Capacity

Olympic lifting is a skill and requires multiple repetitions to enhance motor learning. Lifting heavy weights for multiple repetitions not only enhances learning, but also increases your heart rate and respiration! The increased strength, power, and speed you develop via the Olympic lifts can also help increase recovery in between sets. With enhanced work capacity, you’ll be able to do more in your sessions, especially as your ability to lift more weight increases.

#5. Lift Heavy, Build Confidence, and HAVE FUN!

Honestly, this should be the first reason for incorporating Olympic lifting into your routine. There is nothing more empowering than being able to take a weight from the floor to over your head in one (snatch) or two (clean & jerk) motions. Weightlifting is also a way to connect with other like-minded individuals in a fun and engaging way. 

So, what are you waiting for? Olympic lifting can be intimidating because the movements are so technical. That’s why it’s important to learn the basics, focus on technique, and have a coach guide you through the process.

It’s also one of the reasons we’ve created a 12-week Olympic Lifting Clinic, so that you can learn these movements from the ground up in a safe, effective manner.

Visit this link to learn more about how you can get signed up and started with this program today!