Weightlifting Belts: Benefits and Tips

Jun 16, 2023

 by Lauren Cubellis

Have you ever wondered what a weightlifting belt actually does or how it works? If you've never experienced the benefits of a weightlifting belt, trying one for the first time can be a confusing, intimidating, and potentially dangerous process. Continue reading below to understand what a weightlifting belt is, how it works, and explore the benefits of using a lifting belt as well as learn valuable tips for proper usage.

What is a Weightlifting Belt?

A weightlifting belt is a supportive accessory worn around the waist during weightlifting exercises. It is typically made of a thick, sturdy material such as leather or nylon and features a buckle or velcro closure for secure and tight fastening. 

How Does a Weightlifting Belt Work?

Weightlifting belts work by providing external support to the trunk and core muscles, and to the lumbar spine and lower back. This support is created by increasing intra-abdominal pressure to stiffen and stabilize the spine, thus limiting movement of the spine and protecting it. This added stability allows weightlifters to generate more power and lift heavier loads while minimizing the risk of injury often related to spinal flexion or extension. By reinforcing proper posture and promoting a strong mind-muscle connection, a weightlifting belt can enhance performance, increase strength, prevent injuries, and improve overall lifting technique.

4 Benefits of Using a Weightlifting Belt:

  1. Enhanced Core Stability: A lifting belt acts as a support system for your core through increased intra-abdominal pressure. This helps stabilize your spine and prevents it from flexing or extending excessively during heavy lifts. By providing a solid foundation, a lifting belt allows you to feel more confident under heavy loads, generate more power and lift heavier weights.

  2. Improved Performance: Using a lifting belt can help to significantly improve overall athletic performance. By maintaining a stable and supported core, you can transfer more force to the barbell, resulting in greater strength and power output. With enhanced performance, you can break through plateaus, set new personal records, and achieve your lifting goals.

  3. Injury Prevention: One of the key advantages of wearing a lifting belt is its ability to reduce the risk of injury. By supporting the spine and promoting proper and safe posture, the belt helps prevent lower back injuries during heavy lifts. It provides a valuable layer of protection, particularly when performing exercises like squats, deadlifts, and overhead presses, where the spine may experience significant stress.

  4. Mind-Muscle Connection: Wearing a lifting belt can help establish a stronger mind-muscle connection. The added support and feedback from the belt enable lifters to focus more on the targeted muscle groups rather than worrying about maintaining core stability. This enhanced mind-muscle connection allows for better technique and muscle activation, leading to improved muscle development and overall performance.

Tips for Proper Lifting Belt Usage:

  1. Find the Right Fit: Choosing the correct size and fit for your lifting belt is crucial. The belt should fit tightly around your waist to provide ample support for your spine, but not so tight that it severly restricts your breathing or movement. Measure your waist circumference at the navel and consult sizing charts or seek guidance from a coach to ensure you find an optimal fit for your size and sport.

  2. Use the Belt for Heavy Lifts: While a lifting belt can be beneficial during heavy compound lifts, it's not necessary for every exercise. Reserve its use for exercises that put significant stress on the spine, such as low-rep, heavy load squats, deadlifts, and overhead presses. This will allows you to take full advantage of the belt's support while still allowing for the development of core strength during other exercises sans belt.

  3. Learn Proper Breathing Technique: To maximize the benefits of a lifting belt, it's crucial to first master proper breathing techniques. Take a deep breath into your diaphragm (think of filling your belly with air) and brace by exerting 360 degrees of force throughout your entire core before initiating the lift. Maintain this intra-abdominal pressure throughout the lift, exhaling only after successfully completing the movement. This technique will reinforce core stability and complement the support provided by the belt.

  4. Gradually Increase Belt Dependency: While a lifting belt can offer valuable support, it's important to avoid becoming overly reliant on it. It's best to first learn proper form and bracing under lighter loads and without a belt. Once confident in your ability to properly perform the movements, gradually increase the weight, implement a belt when appropriate, and avoid solely depending on the belt for stability. Continue to strengthen your core through targeted exercises, such as the McGill Big 3, and focus on maintaining proper technique to always have a solid foundation of strength to build from.

Incorporating a lifting belt into your weightlifting routine can offer numerous benefits, including enhanced core stability, increased performance, injury prevention, and improved mind-muscle connection. However, it's crucial to use the belt appropriately and in conjunction with proper technique and bracing. With the right fit and correct usage, a lifting belt can become a valuable tool in your weightlifting journey, helping you unleash your true strength and break through performance barriers.

Need help learning how to use a weightlifting belt for the first time? Email us your questions at hello@verve-studios.com or schedule a time to have a chat with one of our coaches.