Stronger Runners, Stronger Strides

Jun 26, 2023


Are you an endurance runner looking to take your performance to new heights? Is time to lace up your shoes and hit the weights!

Here's why strength training is the secret weapon you need to elevate your running game:

Power-Packed Performance: Strength training builds a rock-solid foundation for your body. By targeting specific muscle groups, you enhance your overall power and explosiveness. Imagine that extra kick during a race or tackling those challenging uphill stretches with ease! 

Injury Prevention: Running places immense stress on your body, especially your knees, hips, and ankles. Strength training helps fortify your muscles, tendons, and ligaments, acting as a shield against common running injuries.  Build resilience, keep those injuries at bay, and stay on track towards your goals!

Improved Running Economy: Did you know that strength training enhances your running economy? By strengthening your leg muscles and core, you'll develop a more efficient stride, allowing you to maintain a faster pace for longer periods. Get ready to set new personal records and conquer those marathon distances!

Increased Endurance: As an endurance runner, you're familiar with the importance of stamina. Strength training complements your aerobic training by improving your body's ability to store and utilize oxygen. This translates to better endurance, helping you push through those challenging moments when your mind begs you to stop. 

Balanced Body, Better Form: Running primarily engages specific muscles, which can lead to imbalances and poor posture. Strength training addresses these issues by targeting neglected muscle groups, promoting symmetry, and improving overall body alignment. Say hello to a stronger, more stable stride and bid farewell to nagging aches and pains!

Mental Toughness: Endurance running is as much a mental battle as a physical one. Engaging in strength training challenges you in different ways, boosting your mental resilience and discipline. Embrace the grit, develop mental toughness, and unlock your full potential on and off the track! 

So, the big question is: How can I add strength training into my running routine?

  1. Key Principles of Strength Training for Distance Runners:

    • Specificity: Tailoring strength exercises to mimic the demands of running
    • Progressive Overload: Gradually increasing the intensity, volume, or complexity of workouts
    • Balance: Incorporating exercises that target both the lower body and the core for overall strength and stability
  2. Strength Exercises for Distance Runners:

    • Lower body exercises: Squats, trap bar deadlift, lunges, step-ups, calf raises
    • Core exercises: Planks, weighted sit ups, oblique dips, banded crunches, deadbugs, birddogs
    • Hip and glute activation exercises: Clamshells, hip bridges, lateral band walks
    • Upper body exercises: Push-ups, rows, pull-ups, shoulder presses
  3. Designing a Strength Training Program:

    • Frequency: It does not need to be complicated! Aim to start with 2 lifts per week 30-45 minutes in duration
    • Periodization: Structuring your training program into phases to target different aspects of strength and endurance
    • Recovery and Rest: The importance of allowing adequate time for recovery between strength training and running sessions
  4. Integrating Strength Training with Running:

    • Combining strength workouts with running sessions can optimize your performance, aim to incoporate lifts on workout days so that your easy days can stay easy
    • Start light and focus on proper form and activation of muscles 
    • Properly recover through foam rolling, mobility and dynamic stretching 

The benefits of strength training as a complementary component to distance running will help take you to the next level, reducing injuries, improving muscular endurance and fine tuning your running stride. 

Ready to take your running journey to a whole new level?  Embrace the power of strength training and witness the incredible transformation in your endurance, speed, and overall performance. 

Book a No Sweat Intro to work with our Sports Dietitian and Sport-Specific Coach, Grace!