Healthy Eating on A Budget

Mar 23, 2023

 by Natalie Corradini

Grocery bills can be expensive, especially with the prices of foods on the rise. It can be overwhelming trying to stick to a budget and still eat food that is healthy and you enjoy. Check out these tips for how to get the most bang for your buck. 

  1. Know your budget: Start by coming up with a dollar amount you want to stick to. This helps you figure out what can and can’t be included in your diet. 
  2. Meal Plan + Create a list: Sit down and think about what you'd like to eat and when during the week. Next head on over to your pantry and fridge and see what you already have. Add the items that you do need to your grocery list. 
  3. Be Flexible: Swapping out ingredients for similar alternatives is a great way to try new things and save money! For example if ground chicken is on sale but your recipe calls for ground turkey, swap out turkey for chicken to save! 
  4. Buy Frozen: Frozen fruit and vegetables are just as good as fresh! When fruits and vegetables are not in season they can become very pricey. Buying frozen food can save you more money.
  5. Buy in Bulk: Buying non-perishable foods such as rice, baking ingredients, and other pantry items can save you in the long run. This can be done at a regular store such as Kroger or Walmart or a wholesale store like Costco and Sam's Club.
  6. Join Rewards Programs: Almost all grocery stores offer rewards programs (Kroger, Meijer, Walmart). Sign up online and get access to member exclusive weekly deals and coupons.
  7. Pay attention to what you're throwing away: If you're finding that you are continuously throwing away the same food each week, try to stop buying them. Or look up new recipes to find ways to use foods that are going bad.
  8. Look at ads + specials: Check out the weekly ads at your favorite store while you're planning weekly meals. If chicken breasts are 50% off try to plan meals that use chickens or the foods that are on sale.
  9. Don't go to the store hungry: Going to the store hungry can cause us to over buy. Or buy more snacks than we normally would. Grab a snack before you walk out the door!